Aubade And I Am Not Like Other Birds Of Prey | Supertramp |

Aubade And I Am Not Like Other Birds Of Prey

Testo Aubade And I Am Not Like Other Birds Of Prey

Morning at last, every night is a fight ‘till your waking
Dreams dancing fast, through the silence of sleep dawn is breaking
I wait, and watch them ‘till they
And I am not like other birds of prey
And I am not like other birds of prey

A night is long, you are needing me
For when ???? I‘m there to see
That the hopes know when

Soft is my is my flat
And my eyes come alies that is tacking
Life is my right
And in sleeps little bed
I protect you
So hear, let my presence ?dissme?
And I am not like other birds of prey
And I am not like other birds of prey

When homes are young and your cares are few
Then I saw ?rabove? keeping truth in you
And my maim is love

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